Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Beginings

Fall has always been a time for new beginnings.  It signals a new season, a new school year, and new fashion trends.  Weddings, easily one of the most important milestones in a persons life, also have a sense of new beginnings as a couple decides to take the leap to officially begin a life together.

This fall I have my own new beginning.  I have always been passionate about planning events.  I love thinking through all of the many small details ensuring nothing is overlooked, developing possible contingency plans in attempts to expect the unexpected, and finally the thrill and exhilaration of everything coming together to produce a unique, memorable and flawlessly executed event. 

While I have enjoyed planning events ranging from fundraisers to new student orientations, a wedding is truly an event of a lifetime. Like any wedding, my own wedding last Spring had it's own set of challenges- including the groom spending the hours before the wedding sick in the emergency room.  But, it was an event that reflected us as individuals and as a couple.  I posted some pictures on my Wedding Portfolio page.

I am looking forward to my new venture helping other brides plan their important day and exploring what the future may hold.