Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New ideas for orange and yellow color palatte!

When you think of the fall colors orange and yellow, it is easy to conjure images of lit jack-o-lanterns and Halloween decor.  But, these colors can also create a wonderful vibe.  Their color tones can be warm, inviting, formal and elegant or casual and fun.  With September being the third most popular month for weddings, you should embrace the season and make it your own.

This fall, orange is the hottest trend.  Yellow is such a complimentary color to balance the striking orange.  Depending on your location and the vibe you are looking for, these colors can be both vibrant and muted. For instance, this first bouquet uses muted oranges and cremes that gives a natural feeling of being outdoors.  The second bouquet is vibrant, alive, and has such a pop of color.

Image via myweddingintoronto.com
image via aboutabride.wordpress.com